Contact us.

Office: 0401821749


Instagram: @appliedcommunicationskills

48 Station Street
Fairfield, Vic, 3079

Making a Complaint

As a registered NDIS provider, Applied Communication Skills is will always investigate incidents and inform the NDIS Commission or external authorities of any concerns. If you have any issues or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact your therapist.

You are also welcome to contact our administration team at or our Principal Speech Pathologist at

If a concern is raised, Applied Communication Skills will aim to work closely with its clients to resolve any issues or concerns. If your concern is not resolved, you may also contact your support coordinator or the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 035 544 or complete a contact complaint form - located below. Please also see below our easy-read infographics on making a complaint or raising a concern.